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Live Auction with Live online bidding
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Click on link For Auction Bill-Berberich Auction Bill
Address-22866 State Hwy 92 SE Brooks MN 56715
Date & Time-Sat. Sept. 26th 10am
Directions-From Brooks Jct. 59 & 92 go 1/4 East on 92 place is on North side of Road
For Live online bidding and registration click on link-Online bidding click here
Over 60 Tractors Selling IH, JD, Ford, AC, MM, Don’t miss this great opportunity to buy one or multiple tractors at this auction see you at the auction
Collector Tractors
36 IH Farmall F-12 11.2-38 90% PTO
47 IH Farmall H, NF, 10-38 tires, PTO, 12v
IH Farmall M, NF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO
49 IH Farmall H, NF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO
50 IH Farmall M-D, Diesel, WF, PTO, 13.6-38 tires, fenders, 12v
39 IH Farmall F-20, 13.9-36 tires, PTO
51 IH Farmall M, WF, Hyd. 13-38 tires, PTO
46 IH Farmall H, WF, 13.6-38 tires, 12v, PTO
50 IH Farmall H, NF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO
43 IH Farmall H, NF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO
48 IH Farmall H, NF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO, 12v
IH Farmall Super H, WF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO, Hyd.
49 IH Farmall M, NF, 13.6-38 tires, PTO
42 IH Farmall H, NF, 12.4-38 tires, 12v, PTO
40 IH Farmall H, NF, 11.2-38 tires, PTO, Hyd.
42 IH Farmall H, NF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO, Hyd.
48 IH Farmall M,WF, 13.6-38 tires, PTO, 12v, Hyd., Loader mounts
51 IH Farmall M, WF, 13.6-38 tires, PTO, Hyd. Fenders, PTO
50 IH Farmall C, NF, PTO, 12.4-36 tires 95%
40 IH Farmall B, NF, PTO, 9-24 tires
40 IH Farmall M, NF, PTO, 12.4-38 tires, Hyd.
53 IH Farmall Super H, WF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO, w/Hyd. loader, trip bucket
51 IH Farmall M, WF, 13.6-38 tires, Hyd. Fenders, PTO
51 IH Farmall M, WF, 12-38 tires, Fenders, PTO
53 IH Farmall Super M, WF, 15.5-38 new rims & tires, Hyd.
46 IH Farmall B, NF, 9.5/9-24 tires, PTO, w/Hyd. single row cultivator
49 IH Farmall M, NF, 13.6-38 tires, PTO, Hyd. w/mounted IH 2ME 2 row corn picker
48 IH Farmall H, NF, 12-38 tires, (for parts)
44 IH Farmall H, WF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO
40 IH Farmall H, WF, 14.9-38 tires, PTO
42 IH Farmall H, WF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO
41 IH Farmall H, WF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO
43 IH Farmall H, WF 12-38 tires, PTO
51 IH Farmall M, NF, 14.9-38 tires, PTO
41 IH Farmall M, NF, 13.6-38 tires, PTO
51 IH Farmall M-D, Diesel, WF, PTO
60 IH Cub Low Boy, 8.3-24 tires, PTO
54 McComick Farmall 400, Gas, WF, 16.9-R38 tires, TA, Hyd. PTO
56 McComick Farmall 400, Gas, WF, (for parts)
McCormick Farmall 200, NF, 12.4/11-36 new Tires, PTO, Hyd. (Good Shape)
56 McCormick-Deering WD9 Standard, Diesel, 23.1-26 tires, Hyd., PTO
55 McCormick-Deering Super WD9 Standard, Diesel, 18.4-34 tires, Hyd., PTO
55 McCormick-Deering WD9 Standard, Diesel, PTO
54 JD 60, NF, PS, Powr-Trol, Roll-A-Matic, 13.6-38 tires
52 JD G, WF, 14.9-38 tires, PTO, Powr-Trol, (was in process of restoration)
48 JD A, WF, 12.4-42 tires, Powr-Trol, PTO
42 JD A, NF, 13.6-38 tires, PTO
49 JD B, NF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO, Powr-Trol, Roll-A-Matic
46 JD B, NF, 11.2-38 tires 95%, PTO, Powr-Trol, 12v
45 JD B, NF, 11.2-38 tires95%, PTO, Powr-Trol
44 JD B, NF, 11.2-38 tires, PTO
JD B, NF, 12-38 tires, PTO, Powr-Trol, Roll-A-Matic
JD B, NF, PTO, 10-38 tires, PTO
54 AC WD 45, WF, 14.9-2 tires, PTO, Snap-coupler
54 AC WD 45, WF, 14.9-28 tires, PTO, Snap-coupler
53 AC WD 45, WF, 13.6-28 tires, PTO, w/Hyd. loader
54 AC WD 45 14-28 tires, PTO, 3pt. (for parts)
48 AC WD, NF, 12v, 12.4-28 tires, PTO, 2pt.
38 AC WC, NF, PTO, 13.6-28 tires
74 Ford 7000 Diesel, 18.4-34 tires, 3pt. 2 Hyd., PTO, PS, 5300Hrs.
Ford 901 Select-O-Speed, 13.6-38 tires, Gas, PTO, PS, 3pt., Hyd.
Ford 8N 3pt. PTO, 11.2-28 tires, w/Ford I6-65 single row corn picker
54 Case 500 Diesel, 18.4-34 tires 50%, 2 hyd. remotes
50 Case SC, NF, 12.4-38 tires, PTO, Hyd.
Case SC, WF, PTO, 12-38 tires
MM U 18.4-30 tires, PTO,
JD 2 cyl. Stationary power unit
IH LB, 1 1/2=-2 1/2hp stationary engine
2008 Arctic Cat 500, Auto, 4×4, Front & Rear Racks, Elec. start, Only 475 miles
1985 GMC High Sierra 1500, 4×4, 4.3L V6, 4 speed manual, Reg. Cab, 8ft. box, Reman engine
1987 Chevy Silverado 10, 4×4, 5.0L V8, Auto, Reg. Cab, 8ft. box, 76,229 showing, (Front end damage)
Dodge 600, V8, 4/2 sped, Single axle, 9.00-20 tires, w/18ft. Rollback, PTO
8x16ft. bed 3ft. beaver tail, triple axle BP trailer, Flip up ramps
Yale 3 stage forklift, LP, Solid tires, (runs)
Erskine 96R 3pt. 540 PTO, Hyd. spout, 96in. snow blower
Ford Hyd. Loader
8 ½ ft. loader bucket w/grapple
Farmhand loader w/PTO pump
GB Hyd. Loader
Du-Al hyd. loader
9x14ft. Hayrack on 4 wheel running gear
8x12ft. Hayrack on AC 4 wheel running gear
Flare Box on Minn. 7ton running gear
8x16ft. Hayrack on Badger 4 wheel running gear
9x16ft. Hayrack on Cenex 16000 running gear
8x16ft. Hayrack on Lindsay running gear
3pt. dirt scope
Collectible Equipment
JD 10ft. trip cultivator, pull-type
JD 623 2 bottom plow w/coulters, pull-type
AC 2 bottom pull-type plow
AC mounted 2 row cultivator
AC 4 row 30in. cultivator, snap-coupler
IH-McCormick-Deering 7ft. grain binder
Wooden horse drawn sleigh
Misc. mounted cultivators
Farm Support Items & Tires
Service Tank w/Gasboy hand pump
Service Tank w/Fill-Rite 15GPM 12v pump
Ford Front Axle
Disc Blades 22in.
Misc. Tillage shovels
Guide cones
18.4-16.1 tires on Case-IH 8hole rims
2-200 gal. Poly Saddle tanks
10ft. x 3ft. culvert
7-10ft. x 15in. Tile pipe
2-12-38 rims
3-20.8-38 tires
Good Selection of implement tires, car, truck, trailer tires
Wheel weights
Tractor mufflers
IH Fenders
Sickle guards
Case-IH combine elevator chain
Hyd. cylinders
Bands for duals
new Allis Chalmers add on 3 pt kit.
Shop & Misc. items
50ton air/hyd. bottle jack
Handy man jacks
8in. bench grinder
Melting Pot
Craftsman 42in. 19hp hydro, riding mower
Turf-Power 18hp, 46in. riding mower
Snapper 8hp 24in. snow blower
Appliance cart
3-12ft. metal shelves
Metal shelf on wheels
Trailer jacks
Log chains
4 ½ ft. alum ladder
20-8ft. wooden benches
18-20ft. pole barn tin
2-36in. LH front house doors (new)
Engine stand
18-Trolley ½ metric ton
Standard Hand oil pumps
Power Team Air IBT – 210 Bead Breaker