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Patricia Fish Estate, Online Only Land Auction, 320 Total Acres, 3 Tracts, Bidding Starts to Close Wed. Oct. 18th 6PM

Online Only Land Auction

Bidding Opens: Wed., Oct. 11th

Bidding Starts to Close: Wed., Oct. 18th 6PM 

For online bidding click on link-Online Bidding Click Here

For more info on property please contact Jennifer Vogel 218-686-4009 or Joe McMullen 218-689-5760

Total of 320 Acres Online Auction! This will be split into 3 Tracts with Tract 1 closing at 6:00pm, Tract 2 at 6:30pm & Tract 3 at 7:00pm

Address: 1691 400th Ave., Halma, MN

Tract 1: MLS 6439758 SECT-33 TWP-160 RANGE-046 160.00 AC NE1/4    160 Acres with 80×40 Heated Shop. Shop has bathroom, shower and washer and dryer hook ups. Trailer house on property is non-livable but will be sold with the property.

Tract 2 MLS 6439726 SECT-33 TWP-160 RANGE-046 80.00 AC E1/2SE1/4 80 Acres

Tract 3 MLS 6439749 SECT-33 TWP-160 RANGE-046 80.00 AC W1/2SE1/4 80 Acres


From Halma, MN: Go 1.3 mile south on Hwy 59 then turn right (west) onto 170th Street.